Any malfunction or problem in your electrical system can lead to accidents or fires, which is why it is important to know which signs to watch out for to prevent these from happening. Most of the time, however, even common electrical issues can be easy to overlook such as dimming lights, faulty light switches and not having enough power outlets because they seem harmless. These problems, especially recurring ones, can indicate other problems that will need professional electrician services in Singapore.
• How often should I call electrician services? If you are moving in to a new apartment in Singapore, it’ s a good idea to call the nearest electrician services shop to perform a thorough inspection, especially if the house looks old and in need of rewiring. You should also call a licensed electrician every time you need to have your wires, switches, and lights repaired, installed, or replaced. Regular electrical maintenance can save you more money in the long run because you will be able to address minor problems right away.
• What services do licensed electricians offer? In most countries, including Singapore, an affordable power line worker works with power companies to ensure efficient distribution of electricity to the public. A wire man, on the other hand, mostly works for residential, commercial and industrial settings. Both, however, can help fix power trip in your area and can provide 24 hour electrical service if needed.
• What should I look for in an electrician? Contact a reputable electrician services company if you need to have electrical problems solved. Only a licensed electrician can inspect, install, troubleshoot, and repair electrical works because they are trained with the safety standards of working with live electricity. You should also look for insurance in case an accident happens, and a warranty if the work did not address the problem.
• How do I know if there is a problem? Call a licensed electrician in Singapore if you notice any of the following problems: lights dim whenever you turn on an appliance or gadget; lights flicker or go off even with regular replacement; if you need to plug in a three-prong adapter; if you use too many extension cords and power strips; if there is a burning smell; and if you have just moved into a new apartment.
• What causes flickering lights? Flickering or dimming lights might be caused a faulty light bulb that is nearing its lifespan, but if replacement does not solve the problem, you need to call an electrician for an inspection. One serious cause of frequently dimming lights is power arcing, a situation where the current can jump between the gaps in the wiring.
• What type of lights is right for my home? Most modern homes in Singapore have recessed lights that are perfect for small spaces. The sizes can range between 2 inches to 6 inches depending on the size of the room. Consult an electrician to know which lights are right for your apartment.
• What causes the light switch to become hot? Hot light switches are caused by faulty wiring, overloaded switch, or a failing switch. These are all serious problems that need the attention of expert electrician services.
• What is a tripping circuit breaker? A circuit breaker will shut off or trip if it detects that the flow of energy in the circuit is causing damage or overheating. The circuit breaker is the device that automatically stops the flow of the electric current and protects the electrical circuit from excess flow and overloading.
• What is a GFCI receptacle? GCFI stands for ground fault circuit interrupter, a receptacle that is installed to prevent electrical shock when using appliances and gadgets near water. Commercial buildings, hotels, and residential complexes need this for extra safety of the personnel or residents near bathrooms, swimming pools, kitchens, laundry rooms, and outdoor areas. Regular troubleshooting, preferably once a month, is important to make sure that it is still functioning.
• Is there a difference between amperage and voltage check? Calling a licensed electrician to measure the capacity of your power line is extremely important, especially if it is for bigger buildings. This will secure the steady flow of current and minimize occurrences of power failure. Amp or ampere measures the speed of the electric current while volt refers to the potential of one ampere to flow through a conductor. Your electric contractor for office setup will help you check for these in your Singapore office.
• What is the difference between two- and three-prong outlets? If you have just moved into a new apartment and noticed that some of the plugs have three slots while others only have two, it means that one of them is for plugs with guards for electric shock. The two-prong outlets only have one connection to a hot wire and another for a neutral wire, while the three-prong outlets have both neutral, hot wire connection, and an extra ground connection.
• How do I know if my home needs a rewiring? Apartments that are older than ten years need to be inspected to make sure that the electrical system can meet the demands of modern appliances and gadgets. Rewiring is easy (it will not take more than two weeks) and safe because you are ensuring that there are no fire hazards in the system. For example, some wires, receptacles, and joints might be worn out but are difficult to see especially if they are covered by the walls and ceiling. Call a licensed electrician to perform an inspection.
• Is it okay to try DIY projects? Do-it-yourself electrical projects are fine as long as you have the expertise and the experience as well as the permission from the landlord. However, if you need to have a project completed, it would be much safer for your family to call a good electrician in Singapore to do it for you. If you are worried about the cost, think about how much you will need to spend for accidents that could result in sloppy work versus the quality work of a professional.