A Guide to Designing a More Effective Brand Logo

The ease of trademark registration allows countless products and services to become more available to the market, but at the same time makes it harder to distinguish your own from others.

In the world of marketing, much of what makes the brand is the emotional aspect (how the brand makes you feel) just as the physical one (what it looks like). After all, your brand is considered your intellectual property.

Having a registered mark on your intellectual property allows you to own and use it completely. However, to protect your brand, you need a good name and a logo that you can register trademark for.

What’s in a Logo?
The logo is the graphical representation of your brand. This is what consumers see when they buy a product or service. Before advertising solely with a symbol, a lot of advertising must be done to make the product familiar with your consumers and clients.

Singapore trade name filing can be relatively easy, but constantly changing your logo can be tiring to you and equally confusing to customers. To make things easier for you, follow this guide in how to make your customized logo design.  

Logos typically consist of two elements: the word and the symbol. Depending on the type of brand that you want your consumers or clients to see, you can either go with the wordmark or the symbol itself.

For some companies with unique names, such as IBM, Google, or Apple, this may be the case. However, companies or brands with generic names will need the symbol to complement it and make them stand out.

The Principles of Design
The principles of design are a guideline that designers use in order to bring the elements of a design together, producing an eye-catching logo. The principles of good design are as follows:

Balance – Balance refers to the distribution of the visual weight in your design, as well as texture and space. There are two types of balance often utilized in design: symmetrical balance, where the elements on one side of the design are similar to the ones on the other side, and asymmetrical balance, where the elements on each side are different but still retain the appearance of balance.

Proportion – This refers to the size of the different elements in the design in relation to one another, whether how big or small they are.

Rhythm – This is created when elements of design are repeated to give the appearance of motion, which makes variety essential in this aspect.

Emphasis – This is usually achieved through contrast, be it in colors (black vs. white) or in terms of space (positive vs. negative), that allows the key elements of the design to be highlighted.

Unity – When all the elements of the design work together, it gives the observer a sense of completeness.

Understanding the Color Scheme 
Color is one of the main aspects of your design. Each one has its own different implication, such as the following:

Red – energetic, bold, passionate
Yellow – sunny, optimistic
Blue – tranquil, trustworthy, professional
Orange – creative, friendly
Green – organic
Purple – evocative, wisdom
White – simplicity, purity
Brown – rural, historical
Black – credibility, power
Before applying to register trademark for your brand, be sure to keep these in mind when designing the logo. This is to keep your potential consumers and clients from getting the wrong idea.

More Helpful Advice in Logo Design
Using the principles of design goes a long way into making a design you can proudly register trademark for. With that said, here are some things you should consider in your design before applying to register TM:

Keep it simple. The best names for designs are often the shortest ones.
Utilize negative space. Sometimes, the best way to highlight the aspects of your logo and make it eye-catching is by utilizing negative space. For instance, the negative spaces at the periphery are used to highlight the designs at the center, and vice versa.

Know what your logo means. Before you release your logo, you must first know what it means yourself. Every good logo has a story behind it, both obvious and hidden.

Have samples ready. When brainstorming a design, have samples ready that you can choose from. This way, you have more options that you can mix and match.

Hiring a Graphic Designer
Brainstorming ideas by yourself or with your team may be important, but when you’re applying for trademark registration in Singapore, you may want to hire a professional design firm to make your logo for you.

The cost of having a professional design your logo for you can be expensive and can set your business back by a significant amount, which can be difficult for you as a starting entrepreneur trying to grow your business amidst a very competitive market in Singapore.

However, having your logo made by a professional or a professional firm can be safer when you’re trying to market your brand to a larger audience, as they have the experience and skill set needed in making a good design. There are also many independent graphic designers that are willing to work for a lesser rate.

When hiring a graphic designer, be sure to communicate your ideas as clearly as possible. Your designer will need to know exactly what you want your brand to communicate to your audience as well as what your brand is selling in order to come up with an effective logo.